Sunday, September 24, 2023

2023 Addenda

Editor's Note: Due to the Covid scare at the beginning of the week, the following was never delivered.

Arbuckle 2023 Celebratory Poem

September 8, 2023

by Walter Shapero


Never delivered

Put on that big smile and get rid of that frown

The Arbuckle Fearsome Foursome has come to town

Testing their skills on many a short and long fairway

To win the Green Jacket at the end of the day

As with their swings they sometimes might fiddle

In order to more often get that shot down the middle.


These four all-over-the-country sojourners are way past being golf learners

As they vie for the prize of the jacket and some Buddy’s Pizza and Vernors

So let us all forget the LIV and PGA on this celebratory night

As in the presence of the Arbucklers we take great delight

And all together enjoy another of their annual sights(sites?)

And for at least a year one of them ____?___ has bragging rights.