Thursday, May 03, 2007

Forty Years Ago Today


Forty years ago today – or close to it, the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released. “To Sir with Love” by another British invader, Lulu, topped the charts. By late July, Detroit would erupt in flames in the nation’s worst ever civil insurrection. Lyndon Johnson was President of the United States. George W. Bush was just discovering the wonders of mixing alcohol with cocaine at Yale University. Pierre Elliot Trudeau was Prime Minister of Canada and expo 67 was the planet’s latest and greatest world’s fair – and was being held on an island off the coast of Montreal, Canada.

In that long lost time, the sixteen and seventeen year old Messrs Braun, Last, Pesick and Straus, the Arbuckle four, took a first and very memorable road trip to the Exposition.

The trip was highlighted by:
1.) nicotine exhaustion
2.) jumping into dirty canals fully clothed
3.) trying to pick up Quebeçois girls with the added “tool” of wearing “Property of Notre Dame Football” tee-shirts which we were convinced were sure to impress and/or fool them given our stature and physiques at the time.
4.) Inducing Last to buy beer with just the merest smattering of French “Deux bieres, pliz”…and it worked!
5.) Getting booted from our accommodations for our overly rowdy and late night Hearts games
6.) …and more

This year’s Arbuckle Invitational Golf Tournament is being held in memory of the greatness of that adventure.